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Learn how to effectively engage with parents in sport.
Many parents take on the role of coach and, after some basic training, are often left to work things out for themselves. This course aims to give parents greater confidence in fulfilling the role effectively.
A course for first time officials or for those returning to sport after a break.
Are you passionate about sport? If you’re a coach, referee, official, or volunteer in a sport you love, our selection of sporting courses will help you score your career goals.
Get a handle on Sport Australia’s Return to Sport toolkit. Provides links to each resource and instructions on how to complete.
Club in a Box is a toolkit designed to streamline the management of sports clubs. It is specifically tailored to support various club roles, such as presidents and secretaries.
Club in a Box is a toolkit designed to streamline the management of sports clubs. It is specifically tailored to support various club roles, such as presidents and secretaries.
Learn how to achieve balance in your life and get things done when working from home.
This topic will focus on how to safeguard mental health and moderate against stressors. It looks at how children can build resilience and flourish in life.
Optimising participation and performance by enabling people from all backgrounds to thrive.