Embedding an Organisation First Mindset
Gain insight into being a successful leader and leadership team member as well as an understanding of what makes great leadership teams ‘great’.
Learning Outcomes
  • Understanding your primary role versus your secondary role
  • The three things leaders and leadership teams are responsible for creating
  • The two most important leadership team behaviours
  • Why team alignment is so critical
  • The purpose and importance of every leadership team
  • Understanding the power of cabinet unity and the dangers of misalignment
  • Understanding the issue of allowing red dots to continue within the team

Leadership teams can easily fall into the trap of being made up of senior leaders who run divisions, functions or departments. Reading that sentence, you may be a little confused as you would genuinely think that it is always the case - that all leadership teams by their nature have heads of departments as their members. This module challenges the historical thinking about how leadership team’s function by questioning the role of leaders within their teams. Understanding what our primary role is and what we are responsible for as a leader is fundamental to our ability to add greater value. It is also the platform for team alignment, trust and organisational success.

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