Aged Care
Support Older People to Maintain Their Independence
This course explores how aged care workers and families/carers/friends can support older people in maintaining their independence and living their lives with as little support as possible.
Learning Outcomes
  • Support older people in maintaining their independence
  • Support older people in their activities
  • Be aware of your organisation’s policy and procedures
  • Respond to environmental hazards and risks
  • Watch for warning signs of grief and provide support

Older people sometimes find it hard to be independent and may require more support to actively participate in the activities in their lives. The Support Older People to Maintain Their Independence course helps aged care workers and families/carers/friends of older people and shows them how they can empower older people to be as independent as possible.

With 4 sections, each one takes learners through different facets of supporting independence from assisting older people in their activities to looking for signs of grief and providing support where needed. The sections also look at independence more closely, the barriers aged care workers may face when trying to support older people, as well as the complex range of emotions older people may feel during this time.

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